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NDN Collective // He Sapa

He Sápa: The Heart of Everything That Is

The LANDBACK Magazine contains over 100 pages of content from movement elders, youth organizers, the frontlines of LGBTQ2S+ justice, climate justice, and joint-struggle movements against White Supremacy and colonialism and is intentionally Indigenous-powered project, created in partnership with Indígena, Primate, Red Media Press, and Red Planet Books and Comics.

“The LANDBACK Magazine is a culmination of stories and experiences shared across generations of front line struggles, courageous mass mobilization, and teachings to guide us into the future.”

Client: NDN Collective


Photographer: Josué Rivas


My RolE

Project Manager & Asst. Art Director


The LANDBACK Magazine will hit the shelves of many Indigenous-owned and Movement bookstores in the continental US, Canada, and the Hawaiian Kingdom in November 2022 for Native American Heritage Month, including Goodminds, Libélula Books and Co, Birchbark Books, Red Planet Books and Comics, and Native Books Hawai’i. It will also be intentionally distributed to highschools, Tribal Colleges and Universities, University Libraries and to our incarcerated Relatives.


Press Release Announcement

He Sapa Trailer